Introduction to Logic

Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble

6. Arguments and Proofs

We have already had a taste of proofs in Section 5. In this section, we make more precise what we were doing there, and get some practice in coming up with proofs.

In Example 5 in the preceding section we saw the following argument.

Precisely, an argument is a list of statements called premises followed by a statement called the conclusion. (We allow the list of premises to be empty, as in Example 3 in the preceding section.) We say that an argument is valid if the conjunction of its premises implies its conclusion. In other words, validity means that if all the premises are true, then so is the conclusion. Validity of an argument does not guarantee the truth of its premises, so does not guarantee the truth of its conclusion. It only guarantees that the conclusion will be true if the premises are.

Arguments and Validity

An argument is a list of statements called premises followed by a statement called the conclusion.

    P1 Premise
    P2 Premise
    P3 Premise
    . . . . . . . . . .
    Pr Premise
    C Conclusion

The argument is said to be valid if the statement

    (P1P2 . . . Pr)C

is a tautology. In other words, validity means that if all the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true.






A proof of an argument is a list of statements, each of which is obtained from the preceding statements using one of the rules of inference T1, T2, S, C, or P. The last statement in the proof must be the conclusion of the argument.

As an example, we have the following proof of the argument given above, which we considered in the preceding section:

    1. aq Premise
    2. bq Premise
    3. ~aq 1, Switcheroo
    4. ~bq 2, Switcheroo
    5. (~aq)(~bq) 3,4 Rule C
    6. (~a~b)q 5, Distributive Law
    7. ~(ab)q 6, De Morgan
    8. (ab)q 7, Switcheroo



The only way to learn to find proofs is by looking at lots of examples and doing lots of practice. In the following examples we'll try to give you some tips as we go along.

Example 1 Modus Ponens

Prove the valid argument


Before we go on...

Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens are, perhaps, the most commonly used rules of inference. You should get used to looking for places you can apply them.

Example 2 Modus Tollens


Before we go on...

Example 2P Practice with Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens

Rule C plays an important role in the next proof.

Example 3 Rule C Invoked


Example 4 Strategy


Before we go on...

Example 5 More Strategy


Example 5P Practice with Strategy

Example 6 Working Backwards


Before we go on...

Example 7 Working Forwards


As the preceding example shows, not all proofs are easy to find. Sometimes you have to fiddle a bit to get one. If the line of argument you're trying doesn't pan out, experiment with something else. Here are some things to try that often help:

General Hints and Suggestions

As a general strategy, try working backwards from the conclusion and forwards from the premises until your paths of reasoning meet somewhere in the middle. Here are some specific techniques for manipulating statements.

    1. Replace an implication with its contrapositive.
    2. Use De Morgan's Law to rewrite a conjunction or a disjunction.
    3. Use De Morgan to rewrite a negation of a conjunction or a disjunction.
    4. Try using any of the other tautological equivalences to rewrite a statement.
    5. Take a coffee break to clear your head.

Above all, be persistent (come back from that coffee break and go back to work)!

Example 7P Practice with Arguments

The next argument basically asserts that if we permit a single contradiction in an argument, then anything is possible. (A proof appeared in the exercise set at the end of the last section, but it is interesting enough to warrant further inspection.)

Example 8 Slippery Argument


Before we go on...

So far, all the arguments we have seen happened to be valid. But who says that all arguments are valid?

Example 9 An Invalid Argument


Before we go on...

Example 10 Valid or Invalid?


Before we go on...

Example 10P Practice with Counterexamples

The following example is reminiscent of the kind of question that often appears in aptitude tests (such as the LSAT).

Example 11 Logical Reasoning


Last Updated: October, 2001
Copyright © 1996 StefanWaner and Steven R. Costenoble

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