Introduction to Logic

Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble

7. Predicate Calculus

The Limits of Propositional Calculus

One of the most famous arguments in logic goes as follows.
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
There is really no good way to express this argument using propositional calculus.





Universal Quantifier

We need to go beyond the propositional calculus to the predicate calculus, which allows us to manipulate statements about all or some things, suggested by the above attempt at formulating the argument about Socrates.

We begin by rewording the statment "All men are mortal" a little more slickly than we did above:

"For all x, if x is a man then x is mortal."
The sentence "x is a man" is not a statement in propositional calculus, since it involves an unknown thing x and we can't assign a truth value without knowing what x we're talking about. This sentence can be broken down into its subject, x, and a predicate, "is a man." We say that the sentence is a statement form, since it becomes a statement once we fill in x. Here is how we shall write it symbolically: The subject is already represented by the symbol x, called a term here, and we use the symbol P for the predicate "is a man." We then write Px for the statement form. (It is traditional to write the predicate before the term; this is related to the convention of writing function names before variables in other parts of mathematics.) Similarly, if we use Q to represent the predicate "is mortal" then Qx stands for "x is mortal." We can then write the statement "If x is a man then x is mortal" as Px→Qx. To write our whole statement, "For all x, if x is a man then x is mortal" symbolically, we need symbols for "For all x." We use the symbol ∀ "∀" to stand for the words "for all" or "for every." Thus, we can write our complete statement as
The symbol "∀" is called a quantifier because it describes the number of things we are talking about: all of them.   Specifically, it is the universal quantifier because it makes a claim that something happens universally.



Example 0P Practice with the Universal Qantifier

Armed with some of the language of predicate calculus, we are now ready for our first valid argument in predicate calculus:

Example 1 A Syllogism

Express the argument about Socrates,

All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
in symbolic form.


Before we go on...

Note on Negation

Let us go back for a moment to the statement "All men are mortal": ∀x[Px → Qx].



Mathematics and Predicate Calculus

Mathematics is expressed in the language of the predicate calculus.   Here's an example of a mathematical statement expressed symbolically.

Example 2 A Mathematical Statement

Write the following statement symbolically: "If a number is greater than 1 then it is greater than 0."


Before we go on...

Example 2P Practice with Mathematical Statements

Example 3 Another Mathematical Statement

Now write the following statement symbolically: "Given any two numbers, the square of their sum is never negative."


Existential Quantifier

There are times when, rather than claim that something is true about all things, we only want to claim that it is true about at least one thing. For example, we might want to make the claim that "some politicians are honest," but we would probably not want to claim this universally. A way that mathematicians often phrase this is "there exists a politician who is honest." Our abbreviation for "there exists" is "∃", which is called the existential quantifier because it claims the existence of something. If we use P for the predicate "is a politician" and H for the predicate "is honest," we can write "some politicians are honest" as

Example 4 Mixing Quantifiers


Example 4P Practice with Mixing Quantifiers

Many mathematical definitions are made in terms of quantifiers. An interesting example is the notion of "divisible by." To say that a number x is divisible by 2, for example, is to say that x is 2 times some integer, or that there exists some integer n such that x = 2n. Generalizing a bit and writing symbolically, we can make the following definition.

Divisible By

If x and y are integers, we say that x is divisible by y if


Here, I is the predicate "is an integer."

If we agree to restrict our variable to the universe of integers, we don't have to use the predicate I and we get the following simpler version:

∃n[x = yn].

Example 5 Divisibility


Before we go on...

In this last example we've started to see how mathematics can be translated into symbolic form. It was the hope of mathematicians at the end of the nineteenth century that all of mathematics could be made purely formal and symbolic in this way. The most serious attempt to do this was in Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica (1910), which translated a large part of mathematics into symbolic language. The hope then was that there could be developed a purely formal procedure for checking the truth of mathematical statements and producing proofs. This project was cut short by Gödel's incompleteness theorem (1931), which effectively showed the impossibility of any such procedure. Nonetheless, mathematicians still feel that anything that they do should be expressible in symbolic logic, and the language that they actually use in writing down their work is a somewhat less formal version of the predicate calculus.

Last Updated: April, 2004
Copyright © 1996 StefanWaner and Steven R. Costenoble

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