The Student Web site to accompany
Finite Mathematics (4e)
Applied Calculus (4e)
Finite Mathematics & Applied Calculus (4e)
Stefan Waner & Steven R. Costenoble

Note Each thumbnail picture and link below will open up a page of the student web site in a new window. You can return here by simply closing that windows.

Using the Web Site for Computer Classroom Instruction

Sample Tutorial
Our on-line section-by-section tutorials cover a large and expanding number of topics in the books, and provide a convenient medium for in-class instruction. Through the numerous interactive features built in to the tutorials, along with the on-line utilities, students can participate actively in the classroom rather than passively as note-takers. The tutorials are designed to outline the main ideas within each section, preparing the student for a more in-depth reading of the textbook.

The interactive features in the tutorials include simulations, multiple choice items with meaningful responses to common errors, and items in which the student is required enter a formula or an answer. Our formula-checker permits all valid variants of the correct formula and sometimes directs the student to simplify the answer.

In addition to the tutorials, our on-line text material (see below) covers numerous topics not in the textbook and are also suitable for classroom instruction.

Click on the picture on the right to bring up one of the many tutorials in a new window. (You can then simply close that window to return to this page.)

Using the Web Site for Home Study

Sample Chapter Summary
In addition to the tutorials, the student can use our detailed chapter summaries which serve to reinforce the material in the book and online tutorials, and to study for tests. These summaries are "live" in that they contain links to related pages, additional examples, on-line utilities, and interactive elements.

For additional proactive, the student can try the chapter true-false quizzes to test conceptual understanding of the material, or the chapter review exercises for more in-depth exercises, many of which contain detailed solutions and interactive elements. As with classroom use, the on-line utilities (see below) make using technology to solve problems a snap.

Click on the picture on the right to bring up one of the chapter summaries in a new window. (You can then simply close that window to return to this page.)

Using the Web Site to Study Extra Topics

Sample On-Line Text

Our on-line text pages cover numerous topics not in the textbook. Each of these on-line topics is a complete interactive text with exercise sets (and answers to add-numbered exercises) covering everything from a detailed introduction to logic to graphing the derivative function. Some -- like the logic text -- are chapter-length, while others -- like the derivative graphing topic -- are single section items. All are interactive and ideal for both individual home study and computer classroom instruction.

Like the on-line utilities, many of these items are referenced in the texbook at the appropriate point. which serve to reinforce the material in the book and online tutorials, and to study for tests. These summaries are "live" in that they contain links to related pages, additional examples, on-line utilities, and interactive elements.

For additional proactive, the student can try the chapter true-false quizzes to test conceptual understanding of the material, or the chapter review exercises for more in-depth exercises, many of which contain detailed solutions and interactive elements. As with classroom use, the on-line utilities (see below) make using technology to solve problems a snap.

Click on the picture on the right to bring up one of the on-line topics in a new window. Once there, be sure to click on the "Exercises for this Topic" link to see the accompanying exercise set. (You can then simply close that window to return to this page.)

Getting Access to Everything on the Site: the "Everything" Pages

Everything for Calculus
To assist students in navigating the site, we have provided three color-coded "live" tables of contents, Everything for Finite Math, Everything for Calculus, and Everything for Finite Math & Calculus. Every single resource pertinent to a specific chapter or section of each of the three textbooks is directly accessible from the appropriate Everything page, and every resource provides a link directly back to the Everything pages.

For example, if a student needs to find a specific online utility -- the On-line Simplex Method Tool, say -- for some homework in Chapter 4 of "Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus", all she need do is go to the Everything for Finite Math & Calculus page, scroll down to Chapter 4, and access it from the "Math tools for Chapter 5" list of links.

Click on the picture on the right to bring up one of the Everything pages. You can then get anything on the Student Web Site directly from there. (You can then simply close that window to return to this page.)

Excel Tutorials

Download Sample Excel Tutorial
Most sections in the books are accompanied by downloadable Excel tutorials. Each tutorial is a downloadable Miscrosoft Excel spreadsheet with macros and detailed instructions to assist the student in setting up and using Excel spreadsheet technology to explore the material in the text. many of the tutorials are linked to specific examples in the text and elaborate on the textbooks "Excel" technology boxes. Note that, since these tutorials are Excel workbooks, Microsoft Excel must be installed before a student can use them. To an Excel tutorial, simply click on the appropriate link to download an Excel workbook for the designated section of the text. If the student is using Internet Explorer no further action needs to be taken, and the Excel workbook will automatically open. If using anotgher browser, the student can open the downloaded workbook Note Since these tutorials use built-in macros written by the authors, the student should, when prompted by Excel, enable macros (the default is to diable them, and will result in an inoperative tutorial).

Click on the picture on the right to download and open one of the Excel tutorials. (You can then simply close that window to return to this page.)

Last Updated: September, 2006
Copyright © 2006 Stefan Waner and Steveen R. Costenoble

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