• | Where can I see the tables of contents for these books?
For "live" tables of contents as well as a list of on-line resources for all three books, click on the following links in the menu at the top of the page, which will take you to the "Everything" pages in the Student Website:
• | What are the ISBN numbers of these texts?
The ISBN numbers are:
- Finite Mathematics, 7e (Stefan Waner & Steven R. Costenoble)
ISBN 9781337280426
- Applied Calculus, 7e (Stefan Waner & Steven R. Costenoble)
ISBN 9781337291248
- Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus, 7e (Stefan Waner & Steven R. Costenoble)
ISBN 9781337274203
These books can be purchased from at this location in www.Cengage.com (Enter "Waner" or "Costenoble" in the search box at the top of the page and press "Search".)
• | Are these "reform" texts, or are these "traditional" texts? |
• | Are there teaching videos and other resources available for distance learning courses?
Yes, yes, and yes. This Website provides section-by-section teaching videos, section-by-section tutorials that also work as randomized games with scores, highly detailed chapter reviews with interactive and randomizable examples to illustrate eachconcept, learning and practice modules that illustrate concepts interactively and provide interactive versions of many examples in the text, and (randomziable) chaper review exercises that also work as tests. There are links to the all of these in the "Everything" pages of this site (see the tabs in the menu at the top).
Online student assignments, ebooks, testing, and detailed learning paths and study plans with additional student-tested section-by-section teaching videos based on the content in the books are available in both Enhanced WebAssign and MindTap for these books.
All these resources can be used together as comprehensive online pedagogy content in a distance learning or hybrid class, and instructors can simply point the student to these ready-to-use resources without any need to create an extensive collection of online pedagogy typcially demanded in distance learning and hybrid courses. The on-line utilities on this site provide the distance learning student with a variety of additional tools for task completion without the need to use a graphing calculator or other technology.
• | What technology can I use in conjunction with these books?
Guidance on the use of spreadsheets (we use Microsoft's Excel) and graphing calculators (we use the TI-83/84 Plus) is thoroughly integrated throughout the texts. Alternatively, we also offer a comprehensive suite of on-line utilities that are documented in the text and can be used on any standard browser. The instructor may choose to focus entirely on spreadsheets, graphing calculators, the online utilities, or none of these. For users of spreadsheets, we also have on-line Excel tutorials based on many sections in the books (go to the Main page of the Student Website, link to the appropriate "Everything" page, choose a chapter, and go to the Excel tutorials at the end of that chapter).
• | What student and instructor solutions manuals are available, who wrote them, and how do I obtain them?
Student manuals, written by the authors, are available. Further, the instructor's solutions manuals, also written by the authors, are available on the PowerLecture (instructor's resource) CD, which also contains test-bank items and other resources.
- Student Solutions Manual for Waner and Costenoble's Finite Mathematics
ISBN: 9781337280471
- Student Solutions Manual for Waner and Costenoble's Applied Calculus
ISBN: 9781337291293
- Student Solutions Manual for Waner and Costenoble's Finite Mathematics & Applied Calculus
ISBN: 9781337275972
Instructors can access Instructors' Solutions and other resources by logging on to Cengage.com and adding the text and instructor companion site to their account. Instructions for logging in and adding resources can be found here: http://support.cengage.com/victoriaweb/ArticlePage?ProductId=1000042.
• | Are trig functions covered in the text? If so, can the trig material be easily omitted?
Short answer: yes and yes. Trigonometric functions and models are covered in a self-contained chapter (Chapter 9 in the Calculus book and Chapter 16 in the Finite Math and Calculus book). This chapter can be taught in its entirety anytime after the chapter on the integral. Alternatively, individual sections of the trig functions chapter can be taught earlier to achieve a thorough integration of trig material in the course. (For instance, the first section can be taught along with non-linear functions, the second section can be taught along with the derivatives material, and the third section along with the integral.) If you choose to omit trigonometric functions, simply omit that chapter.
• | What coverage of nonlinear functions can be found in the Finite Mathematics Book?
The Finite Mathematics book has a brief discussion of several kinds of non-linear functions and their graphs in the first two sections of Chapter 1. For a detailed treatment of quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and logistic functions, you would need to use Chapter 10 of the combined book (Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus) which is the same as Chapter 2 of Applied Calculus. (Trigonometric functions are also covered within a self-contained chapter in the calculus and combined books.) Those instructors who require detailed discussion of non-linear functions beyond the material in Chapter 1 could therefore either opt for the combined book, or simply order a custom version of the Finite book with Chapter 10 (combined) added.
• | Where can I obtain the optional extra sections (such as Determinants and Cramer's Rule, Sequences and Series, the Chain Rule for Functions of Several Variables, and Calculus Applied to Probability and Statistics)?
The best way to see the optional printed material is through your Cengage rep.
If you use the the Online Text area of the Student Web Site, you will also find links to interactive web-based versions of many optional topics, complete with on-line exercises, for use in further classroom exploration or Internet assignments.
• | Which, if any, online homework system is available for these books?
We use the extremely popular WebAssign homework and grading system. Students can either purchase individual WebAssign access codes with the ebook from webassign.net, or they can be ordered included in the books ordered from cengagebrain.com.
As an alternative to WebAssign, instructors can choose MindTap, a unified learning platform with ebook, videos, homework and testing, and customaizable learning paths; ideal for distance learning and hybrid classes.
If you link to the Online text area from the Main Page, you will also find links to interactive web-based versions of many optional topics, complete with on-line exercises, for use in further classroom exploration or Internet assignments.
• | Where can I find the optional Internet topics referred to in the textbook? |
• | Where can I find a complete list of all the Internet resources available on the student Website?optional Internet topics referred to in the textbook?
That's easy. Just click any of the following links in the menu at the top of the page, which will take you to the "Everything" pages in the Student Website:
These links take you to live tables of contents for the three books, where links to all the student resources are arranged on a chapter-by-chapter and section-by-section basis.
For an on-line guide to using the site, go here.
• | What are easy-to-remember URLs of this Website?
You can link to both the student and instructor web sites from the following portals:
• | How can I obtain an examination copy of one or more of these books?
Go to www.Cengage.com and enter "Waner" or "Costenoble" in the search box at the top of the page and press "Search". Click on the particular book you are interested in, and you will see a "Review Copy" link.
• | Textbooks are expensive! What other options, such as ebooks, echapters or rentals, are there for students not willing to purchase the book?
You can find echapters, rental, and various printed versions of the books at www.Cengage.com (Enter "Waner" or "Costenoble" in the search box at the top of the page and press "Search".)
• | Do I require separate TI graphing calculator and spreadsheet/Excel manuals for these books?
No technology manuals are required for the books: At the end of each chapter (except in the case of one or two chapters for which technology is not appropriate) are two fully detailed technology guides: A TI-83/84 Plus Guide, and a Spreadsheet Guide. These provide step-by-step instruction and screen shots on the use of the graphing calculator or spreadsheet technology for the examples in the chapter that include technology. In addition to the end-of-chapter Guides, there are margin technology notes alongside examples in the text that provide abbreviated technology instructions for readers who are already familiar with the particular technology.
• | Can I arrange for a special custom edition of the text to be printed for our curriculum needs? |
• | What test bank materials and lecture slides are available and how do I obtain them?
Congnero®, along with Powerpoint lecture slides are availoable as part of the set of instructor supplements for our texts. Congnero is a fexible, online system that allows you to author, edit, and manage test bank content, create multiple test versions in an instant, and deliver tests from your LMS, your classroom, or wherever you choose. For information on how to obtain these resources, please contact your local Cengage representative Cengage representative.
• | Where can I find an up-to-date list of corrections, or notify the authors in case I come across any errors?
Maintaining a collection of texts that are as error-free as possible is a priority for us. All typos or errors we identify will eliminated in subsequent printings, and also listed here on our updated corrections page. We hope that this listing will be helpful to instructors and students using the text until the appearance of subsequent printings. Please notify us by email of any errors or typos you encounter that are not already identified on the list.