True/False Quizzes for
Applied Calculus
Topic: Non-Linear Functions and Models
(Chapter 2)

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1. The graph of a non-linear functions must cross at least one axis.
2. A ratio of two linear functions is always non-linear.
3. The graph of a quadratic function f(x) = ax2+bx+c (a 0) is always a parabola.
4. Some parabolas cross neither axis.
5. a9 = (a3)3
6. a6 = a3a2
7. a5 = a3 + a2
a-2 =


10. (a+b)1/2 = a1/2 + b1/2
11. f(x) = 2(3x) is an exponential function.
12. g(x) = -2(42x) is an exponential function.
13. r(x) = 10x2.1 is an exponential function.
14. h(x) = 4(3x-1) is an exponential function.
15. log 6 = log 3 + log 3
16. log 6 = log 3 + log 2
17. log 9 = (log 3)2
18. ln 3(1.05)20 = 20 ln (3.15)
19. -ln 3 = ln(-3)
20. An investment earning 20% interest compounded twice a year is better than one earning 19.7% interest compounded continuously.
21. (1 + 0.03)-3x can be entered in a graphing calculator as 1.03^(-3*x)
22. Any situation that can be modeled with a sine curve can also be modeleld with a cosine function.
23. Any situation that can be modeled with a cosine curve can also be modeleld with a sine function.
24. sin(x+y) = sin(x) + sin(y)

Last Updated: July, 1999
Copyright © 1995 Stefan Waner & Steven R. Costenoble