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Online supplementary text

Finite mathematics
New functions from old: Scaled and shifted functions
Fitting curves to data: Linear and exponential regression
Sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem
Confidence intervals
Calculus applied to statistics (online chapter)
Fitting curves to data: Linear and exponential regression
Chapter L: Introduction to logic
Applied calculus
New functions from old: Scaled and shifted functions
Fitting curves to data: Linear and exponential regression
Inverse functions
Fitting curves to data: linear and exponential regression
Using and Deriving Algebraic Properties of Logarithms
Sketching the graph of the derivative
Continuity and differentiability
Linear approximation and error estimation
Proof of the power rule
Proof of the quotient rule
Proof of the chain rule
Numerical integration
Linear differential equations
Proofs of some trigonometric limits
New functions from old: Scaled and shifted functions
Chapter P: Calculus applied to probability and statistics
Chapter S: Sequences, series, and Taylor series
Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity
Download the latest version of the differential geometry/relativity notes in PDF format
Extra chapters & topics (PDF Format)
Determinants and Cramer's Rule
Chain rule for functions of several variables
Extreme Values: Boundaries and the Extreme Value Theorem
Chapter G: Game theory
Chapter L: Logic
Taylor series
Waner's lecture notes (PDF Format)
Calculus II
Differential Equations
Elementary Linear Algebra
Intermediate Linear Algebra
Elementary Topology
Elementary Analysis I
Elementary Analysis II
Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity
Intermediate Probability & Statistics
Intermediate Probability & statistics
Quantitative Methods I: Introduction to Business Statistics
Quantitative Methods II: Intermediate Business Statistics
Math 145: Higher Algebra I Introduction to Group Theory)
Math 146: Higher Algebra II (Rings and Fields)

Last updated: October 2016
Copyright © 2007–2016 Stefan Waner