Tutorial: Solving miscellaneous equations
Adaptive game version
(This topic is also in Section 0.7 in Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus)
Equations that reduce to the form P·Q = 0
If we can manipulate a complicated-looking equation into the form $P \cdot Q = 0$ then we can solve it easily we you remember the following, which we used in the preceeding topic:
Solving equations that reduce to the form P·Q = 0
We use the fact that, if a product is equal to 0, then at least one of the factors must be 0. That is, if
We use the fact that, if a product is equal to 0, then at least one of the factors must be 0. That is, if
- $P \cdot Q = 0$,
- $P = 0$ or $Q = 0.$
- $P \cdot Q \cdot R = 0$,
- $P = 0$, $Q = 0$, or $R = 0$.
1. \t $4x^7-x^5 = 0$ \gap[10]
\\ \t $x^5(4x^2-1)=0$ \t \gap[10] Factor the left-hand side.
\\ \t Either $x^5=0$ or $(4x^2-1)=0.$ \t \gap[10] Either $P=0$ or $Q=0.$
\\ \t $x=0, x=-\frac{1}{2}$ #[or][o]# $x=\frac{1}{2}$ \t \gap[10] Solve the individual equations.
\\ \\
2. \t $(2x+1)(x^2-4)-(x-3)(x^2-4) = 0$ \gap[10]
\\ \t $[(2x+1) - (x-3)](x^2-4) = 0$ \t \gap[10] Common factor $(x^2-4)$
\\ \t $(x+4)(x^2-4) = 0$ \t \gap[10] Simplify.
\\ \t $(x+4)(x-2)(x+2) = 0$ \t \gap[10] Factor the quadratic.
\\ \t $x=-4, x=2$ #[or][o]# $x=-2$ \t \gap[10] $P = 0$, $Q = 0$, #[or][o]# $R = 0$
\\ \\
3. \t $x\sqrt{2x-1} = \sqrt{2x-1}$ \gap[10]
\\ \t $x\sqrt{2x-1} - \sqrt{2x-1} = 0$
\\ \t $\sqrt{2x-1}(x - 1) = 0$ \t \gap[10] Common factor $\sqrt{2x-1}$
\\ \t Either $\sqrt{2x-1}=0$ or $x-1=0.$ \t \gap[10] Either $P=0$ or $Q=0.$
\\ \t Either $2x-1=0$ or $x-1=0.$ \t \gap[10] #[If][Si]# $\sqrt{a} = 0,$ #[then][entonces]# $a = 0$
\\ \t $x=\frac{1}{2}$ #[or][o]# $x=1$ \t \gap[10] Solve the individual equations.
Some for you
Equations that reduce to the form P/Q = 0
If we can manipulate a complicated-looking equation into the form $\dfrac{P}{Q} = 0$ then we can solve it using the following observation:
Solving equations that reduce to the form P/Q = 0
We use the fact that, if $\displaystyle \frac{P}{Q}=0$, then $P=0$. Note
The expression $\dfrac{P}{Q}$ is not defined if $Q = 0$ so you need to eliminate all solutions that make $Q$ zero.
We use the fact that, if $\displaystyle \frac{P}{Q}=0$, then $P=0$. Note
The expression $\dfrac{P}{Q}$ is not defined if $Q = 0$ so you need to eliminate all solutions that make $Q$ zero.
1. \t $\displaystyle \frac{x^2-1}{x-2} = 0$
\\ \t $x^2-1=0$ \t If $\dfrac{P}{Q}=0$ then $P=0$.
\\ \t $(x-1)(x+1) = 0$ \t Factor.
\\ \t $x=-1$ #[or][o]# $x=1$ \t
Some for you
Neither solution makes the denominator of the original expression zero, so we accept both.
\\ \\
2. \t $\displaystyle \frac{(x+1)(x+2)^2 - (x+1)^2(x+2)}{(x+1)^4 - (x-2)^2} = 0$
\\ \t $(x+1)(x+2)^2 - (x+1)^2(x+2) = 0$ \t If $\dfrac{P}{Q}=0$ then $P=0$.
\\ \t $(x+1)(x+2)[(x+2) - (x+1)] = 0$ \t Factor.
\\ \t $(x+1)(x+2)(1) = 0$
\\ \t $x = -1$ #[or][o]# $x = -2$ \t Neither solution makes the denominator of the original expression zero, so we accept both.
\\ \\
3. \t $\displaystyle \frac{(x+1)(x+2)^2 - (x+1)^2(x+2)}{x+2} = 0$
\\ \t $(x+1)(x+2)^2 - (x+1)^2(x+2) = 0$ \t If $\dfrac{P}{Q}=0$ then $P=0$.
\\ \t $x = -1$ #[or][o]# $x = -2$ \t We solved this equation in the preceding example.
\\ \t $x = -1$ \t We reject $x = -2$ as it makes the denominator of the original expression zero, so $x$ cannot be $-2$ in the original equation.
Combining techniques
In the following you will need to use the above techniques as well as various things you learned about rational functions in the %3.
Now try the exercises in Section 0.7 in Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus.
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Copyright © 2022 Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble