On Line Utilities
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On Line Utilities
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Online utilities

Graphers | Regression tools | Matrix and linear algebra tools | Calculus tools | Probability and statistics tools | Math of finance tools | Miscellaneous tools
Function evaluator and grapherGraphs and tables of values for functions you specify.
Excel grapherDownloadable Excel spreadsheet that graphs functions you specify. [Note: Macros must be enabled in Excel.]
Excel first and second derivative graphing utilityDownloadable Excel spreadsheet that automatically graphs any function you enter as well as its first and second derivatives. [Note: Macros must be enabled in Excel.]
Surface graphing utility Updated Oct 2017A utility that lets you graph surfaces (explicit, parametric, and implcit) in 3-D perspective
Excel surface graphing utilityA downloadable Excel spreadsheet that lets you graph surfaces of the form z = f(x, y) in 3-D perspective
Numerical integration utility and grapherComputes and graphs left and right Riemann sums, trapezoid and Simpson's rule sums. Also computes and graphs definite integrals numerically to the accuracy you specify.
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Regression tools
Simple regression utilityGives the equation and graph of the line or exponential curve through two points, and also the best-fit (regression) line, polynomial and exponential curve using up to 16 data points (10 digit accuracy).
Multiple regression utilityGives you the best-fit (regression) linear function of up to 4 independent variables and up to 16 data points. (10 digit accuracy)
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Matrix and linear algebra tools
Pivot and Gauss-Jordan tool Updated Oct 2017Does row operations, pivoting, and complete Gauss Jordan row reduction for use in solving systems of linear equations and the simplex method. Works in fraction, integer, and decimal mode.
Excel pivot and Gauss-Jordan toolDownloadable Excel spreadsheet version of the above utility. Also works in fraction, integer, and decimal mode.
Matrix algebra toolDoes symbolic computations with matrices. Check your matrix algebra homework!
Linear programming grapherEnter any linear programming problem or system of linear inequalities in two variables. Graphs and solves, showing the feasible region, corner points, and optimal solution.
Simplex method tool Updated Apr 2020Just type in any linear programming problem and press "Solve." Check your simplex method homework in a snap!
Diet problem solverChoose your foods you like, choose your objective and constraints, and press "Solve."
Game theory toolReduces by dominance, finds saddle points, and solves any game up to 5 × 5.
Markov system simulationEnter your own 4 × 4 (or smaller) transition probability matrix and watch the system move from state to state.
Markov system computation utilityCalculates powers of the transition matrix and its action on a distribution vector.
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Calculus tools
Numerical integration utility and grapherComputes and graphs left and right Riemann sums, trapezoid and Simpson's rule sums. Also computes and graphs definite integrals numerically to the accuracy you specify.
Excel first and second derivative graphing utilityDownloadable Excel spreadsheet that automatically graphs any function you enter as well as its first and second derivatives. [Note: Macros must be enabled in Excel.]
Excel Riemann sum grapherA downloadable Excel spreadsheet that computes and graphs left Riemann sums. [Note: Macros must be enabled in Excel.]
Two dimensional differential equation solver and grapherNumerically solves and graphs two dimensional systems of first order differential equations (or single second order differential equations).
David Scherfgen's derivative calculator
David Scherfgen's integral calculator
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Probability and statistics tools
Pop-up factorials, permutations and combinations calculatorThis handy pop-up window allows you to compute factorials, permutations, and combinations.
Histogram utilityGives you the probability distribution and histogram for statistical data.
Binomial distribution utilityGives you the probability distribution and graph for binomial variables.
Normal distribution utilityComputes areas under the normal curve to 10 digit accuracy.
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Math of finance tools
Time value of money utilityA utility that computes payments, present and future value, etc. for mortgages and general annuities.
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Miscellaneous tools
Formula practiceThis little page shows you the mathematical equivalent of the technology formula you enter. Handy to check whether you have your parentheses in the right places!
Normal distribution table
Pivot program for graphing calculator (TI-82/83/84/85/86)
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